Do Alaskans Need Tax Planning? Alaska is one of only nine states that has no state income tax. As a State of Alaska employee, you may be thinking, “Tax planning? Is that even something that should be on my radar?” Yes! Yes, it should be. Many of the public...
4 Questions You Must Ask Before You Retire with Your State Retirement Plan As a State of Alaska employee, you have access to excellent retirement benefits. However, you may worry that your state retirement still doesn’t fully meet the financial needs of the life you...
What States Don’t Tax Retirement Income? Investments Personal Finance Taxes You’ve worked hard your entire career to earn a living and save for retirement. Now, you want to make sure your retirement is protected and lasts as long as possible. You don’t want to...
Tis the Season for Charitable Giving Charitable Giving Taxes In addition to investing intentionally by aligning your portfolios with your values, I believe in spending intentionally on things that are most meaningful. Studies have shown people have greater happiness...
Keeping Perspective on What You can Financially Control Savings Spending Investments Taxes I understand that it can be confusing to know what financial decisions are most important to pay attention to and which ones should be left alone or passed off to others. I may...
Tips for Investing During a Volatile Market Investments Taxes Although economic instability is not directly connected to bear markets, a struggling economy and these unusual circumstances can cause fear that your accounts will lose money with market volatility. The...