A comprehensive financial plan brings clarity to your financial situation so it’s easier to make the right decision. It helps to identify the gaps between your current financial situation and what you’d like to accomplish so you can move forward in the right direction.
Financial Planning
The services you deserve
We believe that people reliant on employer-sponsored retirement plans, like our clients in the higher education systems, should have just as much access to financial resources and opportunities as private investors. Our firm offers a clear and transparent view of your road to financial independence with the expertise and full service that can get you there.
Our Wealth Management service includes Frontier to Frontier Planning and Investment Management Services.
Your financial plan is reviewed in stages over a 2 year cycle and investment management is revisited annually.
Plan and Proposal:
Kick-off Planning:
2-3 Strategy Sessions to address your most pressing issues and areas we see that need immediate attention.
Face-to-Face Meetings:
Ongoing Planning:
Ongoing Access:
Full Financial Coordination:
Financial Planning Fees
Start at $3,900 and are based on complexity.
A One-Time Initial Planning Fees
Starts at $1,000 for an engagement.
Investment Management
The tools that support your plan
We believe that markets are mainly efficient. Rather than relying on forecasting or trying to outguess others, we believe market prices, set by millions of buyers and sellers, are fair. This frees us up to take a less subjective and systematic approach to your investing.
Investment Management Fees
Start at 0.9% annually for assets under management with the firm.
One-stop Planning Session
Only want to focus on one or two topics to get you off the ground?
This financial session includes:
- One meeting with advisor.
- An email summary of recommendations.
- Follow up access for 30 days.
- Minimum billable access for any topic is 3 hours.
Examples of topics may include:
- Debt repayment
- Home buying
- Education savings
- Cash flow analysis
- Student loan recommendations
- Portfolio rebalancing